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Hey! My name is Daniela Gioia, and I am a human. No more, no less than that. Just like any other human, I am passionate about a few things. I love science, specifically genetic engineering and biology. I love sports, I do Muay Thai and I did swimming for the majority of my life. I love my friends and family. And last but not least I love reading and writing. I have always been a very curious human being, and ever since I was little I wanted to know why things are the way they are. I remember when I was just about 5 or 6 years old I would ask my mom millions of questions about how buildings are constructed, I was fascinated by buildings, and for a while I wanted to become an architect. Later on I started to be interested in other things, like how the human body works, and how we can use technology to modify living organisms. Basically, my life has consisted of many questions, and many learning experiences, and through this website you will have an insight into the most important learning moments of my life. I hope you enjoy!

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